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DSR DATA -"Scoring supply & demand"

See the capital growth potential for...

Beating experts
& doubling growth
rates since 2010
See for yourself!

DSR = Demand to Supply Ratio
a predictor of capital growth potential

DSR Data in 60 seconds
How do I know if it's a good suburb?
Check suburb data
Relax. The Suburb Analyser gives you an immediate understanding of any suburb's supply & demand. And it reveals detailed info you can't get anywhere else.

How do I find top suburbs that suit me?
Find hot spots
Sift through thousands of suburbs in seconds with the Market Matcher. Specify the type of suburb you're after and it does the hard work.

How do I know when to sell or refinance?
Monitor suburb statistics
Keeping an eye on property markets is easy with the Market Monitor. Pick your suburb, pick your stats and an update arrives each month.

DSR stands for Demand to Supply Ratio, a predictor of capital growth potential.
Getting Started
As seen in...
Three magazines have shown their trust in the DSR by
publishing it monthly to their tens of thousands of readers.

YIP magazine logo
YIP mag fully embrace the new property data era.
DSR founder Jeremy Sheppard is on their expert panel.

Prior publishers include:

API magazine logo

SPI magazine logo

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